Thursday, 18 October 2007

To be given a whole new world

" You could just as well say that the world comes to the child.
To be born is the same as to be given a whole new world - with the sun by day, the moon by night, and the stars in the blue sky.
With an Ocean that washes in over the beaches, with forests so dense that they are ignorant of their own secrets, with strange creatures running across the landscape.
For the world will never become old and grey. You humans become old and grey. As long as children are put into the world, the world is as new as of the seventh day when the Lord rested. "

"Through a glass darkly" - Jostein Gaarder

28th Jun 2007

24th July 2007

23 August 2007
Its around this time you are growing well and big, and we couldn't get an ultra-sound pix of your whole body already. So this is the head i think.... *grin.... can't figure out



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