Monday, 11 May 2009

The Jacob Ballas Children Garden

On 3 May 2009 sunday, after we dropped Grandma vivian off to her friend's party, we swing by the Botanical garden. And decided to just stop by the Children garden.

The only thing we ever get to go near was the water fountain. JY saw it and refused to leave the place until he gets to play in it.

Baby sunblock!! Lots were applied before we walked the garden.


Falling sick

At Olive Tree clinic today, he was measured to be 83cm and 11.29kg. Plus he is teething, all 5 teeth popping out at the same time.
We brought him out to two weddings yesterday, was showing him off to everyone. Didn't realised the little one can get too exhausted and exposed to too many air-borne virus. He had high fever since this morning. From 37.9 all the way to 38.9 around 5pm. That's when we rushed him to the clinic.
Daddy took child care leave to stay with JY for the day since mummy needs to work and gong gong and mah mah went overseas.
Ear infection and throat infection. He's been to the clinic every month since Feb this year. Really
hope he gets out of the cycle soon!!
