Monday, 6 July 2009

The Monkey and PinkPink!

A traumatic event for little JY

The monkey playing with JY's bear
(JY hugs this bear to sleep)

We were in Rasa Sentosa for the last weekend of June holiday. The room we booked was facing the forest instead of the sea. In the afternoon, I decided to dry his bear on the balcony outside the room (he hugs the bear to sleep, it's called pinkpink! cos it's pink....) After about 10mins, a group of monkeys came, one snatched the bear.

JY cried out for his bear, but I couldn't do anything! Anyway, it was an exciting event trying to get the bear from the monkey but i decided against it later. I rather get a new bear for him when i saw the monkey biting it. So instead i took some photos, evidence of the monkey toying with his pinkpink! and jumping off into the forest.

JY was so sad, his dad felt sorry and went out to get him another bear. But because we couldn't get the same colour again, it's been two weeks and he still calls out for "pinkpink!" and "ou..ou..ou.." the sound of the monkey while pointing to the tree.
Being me, I couldn't stop laughing whenever i told the story and show off the photos from my phone. So it has to be on the blog.

The monkey jumped off from the balcony and was in the tree with pinkpink!
