Wednesday, 20 June 2007


Full Frontal
Last night, went to watch a play i got to play a part in and then turned away because of the pregnacy. There was a double surprise because it was a double bill and the play that came after that has a beautiful idea of creating an ideal much better than a research i have done in TTRP. Something i had not been able to manage and create out of some flux ideas I had along the way, and than which the female director has done in this case. She has done it beautifully, re-doing a play from the 60s along with interviews in the past and imbedding what one would think of history today.

Then i woke up at 6am this morning.

Part of me maturing to be a mum is to deal with my own guilt and disappointment, if not, of being unable to do the things i selfishly wanted to do.

Making decisions of walking the path of life chosen.

To learn to grief for what i have lost in order embrace the new life chosen.

What a hard choice.....


the problem as been, it always took me sometime to figure out what to do with my life. My ideal of what i wanted to do came in between searching and much flux. And marriage and family that came later, came because it came.




作为一个在寻求的人来说, 在找到生活平衡点之前教别人能为人生做些什么,实在是多余。


Monday, 18 June 2007

Inside Mummy

7th June 2007 - Thought of a blog for you. We were checking your heartbeat to see if everything's all right. It's beating fast and furious. A wonderful sign that says all is fine for you. Our wish for you is as shown in the title of the blog. May you grow healthy like a blossoming vine. The fragrance of life comes when the vine blossoms.

15 May 2007
Tracing your growth in the womb. At this stage there is a slight concern of whether you are going to be all right. Are your major organs developing properly? Is your heart beating at the right speed? Are you going to be ok? It's some stressful days....

2nd May 2007.
Slightly more of you. 10 weeks and 5 days.

20 April 2007 - 8 weeks and 6 days. Saw your heartbeat. it's a seasame seed! What a wonderful feeling to have you! Welcome to the family!

26 march 2007 @ KK hospital. You were 5.4 weeks old and 2mm. This is the first time we met. Hello......
