Thursday, 18 October 2007

Before you are born......

His expression was inscrutable.
Then he asked, " Can you feel all over your body? "
Cecilia laughed. " Not in my hair. Not in my nails either. "
"But everywhere where you have skin, and that's almost everywhere. The flesh and blood are sealed inside a magic suit which helps you to feel all your surroundings. Imagine it being possible to create something like that!"
" A magic suit?"
"Your skin, I mean this fine-meshed web of nerves. When God created the world he did it in such a clever way that the creation was able to feel itself. Don't you agree that it was clever?"

"Through a glass darkly" - Jostein Gaarder

Hand knitted by Grandma's friend. Before you were born!! All i could say is what a wonderful creator HE is, and right now, he must be building your fine-meshed of nerves to be fitted inside your magic suit.

This pair is from mummy's friends Aunty Anne and Aunty Renee.
It's from Cambodia, from one of the markets in Phnom Phenn. It feels really soft.
They remembered mummy when they were there teaching playback!!
Aiyo!! Want to give them a kiss.

From Aunty Jean!!
Who reads our blog and thought of us when she is in New Zealand!!
This is your first pair of "boy" shoes!! Hopefully you can wear it when you learn to walk. Now that will be a milestone!!
I was so touch by the love that surrounded us....


To be given a whole new world

" You could just as well say that the world comes to the child.
To be born is the same as to be given a whole new world - with the sun by day, the moon by night, and the stars in the blue sky.
With an Ocean that washes in over the beaches, with forests so dense that they are ignorant of their own secrets, with strange creatures running across the landscape.
For the world will never become old and grey. You humans become old and grey. As long as children are put into the world, the world is as new as of the seventh day when the Lord rested. "

"Through a glass darkly" - Jostein Gaarder

28th Jun 2007

24th July 2007

23 August 2007
Its around this time you are growing well and big, and we couldn't get an ultra-sound pix of your whole body already. So this is the head i think.... *grin.... can't figure out


New set of drawers

Here's daddy fixing a set of drawers on 26th September 2007.
For the record it's filled with your stuffs, just reusable nappies filled up one drawer. You can't imagine the amount of stuffs you already have before you were born.

These were the maps and tools that allowed daddy to feel like a man.

The almost finished product. Oh well, you get to see the real thing when you are out. :)
